The Limited Times

Photovoltaic systems do not only work with a south orientation

6/11/2020, 3:08:50 PM

Self-produced solar electricity from your own roof or from the house wall can reduce the electricity bill. Installation is possible on the majority of the roofs. What should homeowners pay attention to?

Self-produced solar electricity from your own roof or from the house wall can reduce the electricity bill. Installation is possible on the majority of the roofs. What should homeowners pay attention to?

Stuttgart (dpa / tmn) - Solar systems for your own electricity production can be installed on many rooftops - and not just on roofs that face south. The Baden-Württemberg consumer center lists a few criteria for the decision.

- Optimal case: Most energy is generated by photovoltaic systems with a south orientation and a roof pitch of 30 degrees.

- Minor deviations: On roofs that are oriented to the southeast or southwest, you can still achieve yields that are only five to ten percent lower than with a direct south orientation. And even if you have to install the modules with a different inclination - less than 25 or more than 60 degrees - the yields only decrease by up to ten percent.

- Still possible: According to the experts, roof areas that face east or west can still be used for your own electricity production. This is especially true when there is no shade from trees or other buildings on these roofs. It is also good here if the slope is more flat than steep.

- Better not: The photovoltaic modules should not be flatter than at an angle of 10 to 15 degrees to the floor. Otherwise, rain will no longer be able to clean them and dirt will reduce the yield. As an alternative, you can have the vertical installation on a house wall checked. According to the experts, yields of 70 percent are possible there compared to the optimal south orientation on the roof.