The Limited Times

Sylvain Fort: "I am afraid that we will return to battles of doctrines instead of learning from reality"

6/11/2020, 7:14:30 PM

FIGAROVOX / INTERVIEW - The former adviser and pen of President Emmanuel Macron protests against "the heirs of divine surprise" who saw in the health crisis the opportunity to bring about a "next world" consistent with their certainties ideological.

The former adviser and pen of President Emmanuel Macron publishes Against the spirit of defeat, the spirit of conquest (Éditions de l'Observatoire). He rebelled against "the heirs of divine surprise" who saw in the health crisis the opportunity to bring about a "world after" in accordance with their ideological certainties. If there has been a debacle, it is less a question of attributing responsibility to the government than to a "deep state" which believed itself prepared when it was not, argues Sylvain Fort. The author fears an exit from the statist and interventionist crisis.

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LE FIGARO. - You compare the health crisis to the defeat of 1940. Why?

Sylvain FORT. - I think that, as in June 1940, the ability of public authorities to face a threat was played out during this crisis. There was not simply a major lack of preparation in the face of a potential risk, but one which was given as prepared. It's the Maginot line: you think you're ready, but you're not. It was believed that our

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