The Limited Times

Bolsonaro, perhaps infected in the past

6/12/2020, 5:59:12 PM

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro complained to the press about the repercussions given to his government's delays in publishing the daily bulletins of cases and deaths caused by Covid-19, and said he thinks he's already st ... (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 12 - The Brazilian president, JairBolsonaro, complained to the press about the repercussions given by his government's delays in publishing daily bulletins of cases and deaths caused by Covid-19, and said he thinks he is he too has already been infected.
    Last week, the Ministry of Health started to issue numbers after 10 pm (Brasilia time), just limiting itself to only new cases in the last 24 hours without reporting the total balance.
    "They said we wanted to hide the numbers, comparing ourselves to Venezuela, North Korea, but nobody wants to hide them," said the head of state during a live broadcast on social media.
    Bolsonaro then said he believed he had already been infected with the coronavirus. Speaking of chloroquine, the Brazilian president mentioned his American counterpart, Donald Trump, whom he met in Florida in March.