The Limited Times

France - Triplets in the east tripled. Authority, 'is for large numbers test'

6/12/2020, 10:39:16 PM

June 12 © ANSAA sharp increase in the incidence rate of Coronavirus contaminations, which in 8 days went from 7 to 21 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in some areas of the east of the country, begins to worry in France, where the figures of the last few days and the acceleration of the reopening brought a wave of optimism.     The epicenter of this unexpected increase - in a landscape entirely of positive figures ...

A sharp increase in the incidence rate of Coronavirus contaminations, which in 8 days went from 7 to 21 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in some areas of the east of the country, begins to worry in France, where the figures of the last few days and the acceleration of the reopening brought a wave of optimism.
    The epicenter of this unexpected increase - in a landscape entirely of positive figures - is in Lorraine, in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle, where the prefect Éric Freysselinard has launched an appeal for prudence and respect for the rules of distancing. Twenty-one cases per 100,000 inhabitants - with a national average of 4 - represents a net increase in an area where on June 2 the average was 7 cases. In France, the supervisory threshold above 10 cases is triggered while the "alert" threshold is expected only above 50 cases. "We do more tests than elsewhere - explained Freysselinard - we have carried out 18,210 since 11 May and 341 have been positive. We have tested 1,046 people since Friday and 13 have tested positive".
    These are very low figures but in the Grand Est region - one of the two most affected by the epidemic in the country together with Ile-de-France - fears immediately resurfaced. The prefect pointed his finger at the habits and relaxation of the population with respect to the observance of the rules of health security, denouncing a "variable geometry" prudence: "people respect the rules when they go shopping or to go to the office , but there is a relaxation on holidays with friends or family ".