The Limited Times

General Risi: "Kfor commitment to stability and dialogue"

6/12/2020, 10:39:22 PM

Interview with the commander of the NATO mission in Kosovo: 'Italy's contribution is decisive' (ANSA)The commitment of the NATO-led mission in Kosovo (Kfor) to defend peace and stability, in compliance with UN Security Council resolution 1244, was underlined by the Kfor commander, the Italian general Michele Risi . In an interview with ANSA on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the start of the mission, General Risi noted at the same time Kfor's willingness to foster and support the dialogue...

The commitment of the NATO-led mission in Kosovo (Kfor) to defend peace and stability, in compliance with UN Security Council resolution 1244, was underlined by the Kfor commander, the Italian general Michele Risi . In an interview with ANSA on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the start of the mission, General Risi noted at the same time Kfor's willingness to foster and support the dialogue process to reach a final agreement on the complex issue of Kosovo. "Today more than ever stability and security are functional to the resumption of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina promoted by the European Union and supported by NATO",said Risi. A process, he added, which represents "the only way to achieve a lasting solution that will benefit the entire western Balkan region and all of Europe". And the resumption of dialogue, for General Risi, "is a qualifying point of the new executive" of Kosovo led by Avdullah Hoti.

"In the meantime, due to the prolonged stall of the negotiations, other actors have appeared, in particular the United States, interested in supporting efforts to find a shared agreement", and the neo-premier Hoti has expressed maximum confidence in the EU diplomatic action and Usa. "I therefore believe - the general said - that we are moving towards a path that can bear the desired results. " Kfor will do everything possible to continue to support the dialogue process under the auspices of Europe, essential for the stability of the whole region . " Defining the security situation in Kosovo as" stable ", the Italian general observed that Kfor's main effort is currently to" consolidate this stability, by supporting the development of professional security structures , democratic and multi-ethnic ". For Commander Risi," Kfor troops (supplied by 27 countries, including NATO members and partners) play a fundamental deterrent role, maintaining a widespread presence throughout the territory with patrols and special connection and monitoring teams that measure the pulse of the situation also from a social and economic point of view, the latter being likely to be affected by the effects tti of the Covid-19 pandemic ".

The health emergency caused by the coronavirus however "did not have an impact" on Kfor's operational capabilities, which also made its contribution "by distributing a significant amount of personal protective equipment to the health institutions of Kosovo, and facilitating initiatives launched by countries that are part of Kfor ", including Italy. Stressing how "enormous progress" has been made in Kosovo since 1999 and observing how the NATO mission's commitment is to remain in Kosovo "as long as it is necessary", the commander referred to the important and fundamental role played by Italy and by its armed forces, which "with about 600 men and women express the second largest contingent of Kfor after the US". "In addition to assuming the leadership of the longest-running NATO operation, the Italian Army has been in command of the western region of Kosovo since 1999, provides an important contribution with the Carabinieri of the Multinational Specialized Unit and leads the battalion that collects information and monitors the area of ​​operations ". "In the context of Kfor - concluded General Risi - the Italian military are among the best interpreters of the effective mix of firmness, dialogue and cooperation with all the actors".