The Limited Times

The original protest of an evangelical church: it opened as a bar and the shepherds became young men

6/12/2020, 11:30:51 PM

It happened in San Lorenzo, after the governor authorized religious meetings with only up to 10 people.06/12/2020 - 13:52 Clarí Society "We are dressed in this way, with a tray, because it seems that it is the only way we can get together to serve the word of God. Apart from the miracle that goes to table 4, the word of God comes from the house of the Lord to all nations . " The speaker is Daniel Cattaneo, the pastor of the Redemptor Community Church of San Lorenzo, who reopened as a bar in p...

06/12/2020 - 13:52

  • Clarí
  • Society

"We are dressed in this way, with a tray, because it seems that it is the only way we can get together to serve the word of God. Apart from the miracle that goes to table 4, the word of God comes from the house of the Lord to all nations . " The speaker is Daniel Cattaneo, the pastor of the Redemptor Community Church of San Lorenzo, who reopened as a bar in protest. 

With their shepherds dressed as waiters and with dozens of the faithful turned into "clients", they gathered in the temple facilities. Most wore a mask and the protest was addressed to Governor Omar Perotti, who enabled religious meetings with up to 10 people, which motivated the reaction of numerous faiths, including the evangelical.

" We want to exercise our constitutional right to practice our Faith. We are concerned that our rights will be curtailed.  Bars and businesses may open, but not us. Why do they discriminate against us?" Demanded the pastor in front of his faithful, accommodated from groups in bar tables.

The meeting was held on Wednesday, just on the day of the 75th anniversary of the evangelical church in the city of Santa Fe. Thus, it served as both a celebration and a protest against the restrictions in the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic.

Cattaneo took refuge in article 14 of the National Constitution that refers to freedom of worship and demanded that the activities in the temples be carried out as soon as possible with complete normality.

In contact with local media, the pastor said they believed they would be able to open when Decree 487 was published on Monday with the new activities that were added to those excepted from isolation.

"We thought that our request would have been heard but everything changed and we returned to what we had already been allowed, which is the group admission of a maximum of 10 people," he questioned.

In addition, according to the local portal SL24, several pastors demonstrated on social networks. "Now if we can open Governor Perotti?" they wrote.