The Limited Times

Another African American killed in the United States, a new video shows the dynamics. Anger in Atlanta, 36 arrests

6/15/2020, 6:39:24 AM

The police shot a 27-year-old boy and rebelled against the arrest. After firing the officers who killed him, the chief of policemen resigns. Protesters set fire to a restaurant. Check out new video shock of November (ANSA)

In a spiral of blood that never seems to end, the police killed another African American, Rayshard Brooks, 27, this time in Atlanta, where anger broke out. Thousands of demonstrators invaded the streets of Georgia city to demonstrate their anger at the excessive use of force by the police. 

The Wendy's restaurant in Atlanta, out of which the African American was shot and killed, was set on fire. At least 36 people have been arrested . The agents threw tear gas at the demonstrators and closed the interstate road leading to the restaurant.

The protesters broke the windows and launched fireworks inside the venue. 

In the square for days for George Floyd , America thus finds itself faced with a new incident intended to shake consciences and raise further controversy against the police.

The contours of what happened in Georgia are still to be defined: the initial reconstructions do not clarify the facts, rather they throw new gasoline on the fire of the anti-racist protests. Rayshard Brooks was sleeping in his car in a parking lot of one of the Wendy's chain restaurants when the police arrived.

After testing positive for the alcohol test, Brooks rebelled against the agents' arrest. The attempt to use the taser was worthless: the man managed to free himself from his grip and while running away he was hit in the back by three shots fired by the police . Despite immediate hospital transportation and surgery, Brooks died.

The city police chief has resigned. The agent who shot, Devin Brosnan, was fired. The other cop involved, Garrett Rolfe, was instead assigned to office jobs. 

A new shock video of another African American killed by the police appears . The case dates back to November in South Carolina. The video shows 28-year-old Araine Lamont McCree outside a Walmart department store, handcuffed for alleged shoplifting when he was killed. According to initial reconstructions reported by the local newspaper Post and Courier, the agents had opened fire in self-defense and following the fact that McCree was in possession of a gun and aimed it at the policemen.

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