The Limited Times

Di Battista: 'Conte doesn't fear picks from me'

6/15/2020, 7:08:27 AM

The exponent of the M5s Alessandro Di Battista reassured the work of the premier (ANSA)"I have faith" in the President of the Conte Council and "indeed I take this opportunity to tell him that he must not be afraid of picks on the part of the undersigned". So Alessandro Di Battista to In Mezz'ora in più on Rai 3. According to the exponent of the M5s, "There are certain political powers that want to knock down the government to take over the money of the reconstruction". As for the G...

"I have faith" in the President of the Conte Council and "indeed I take this opportunity to tell him that he must not be afraid of picks on the part of the undersigned". So Alessandro Di Battista to In Mezz'ora in più on Rai 3. According to the exponent of the M5s, "There are certain political powers that want to knock down the government to take over the money of the reconstruction". As for the General States, "I hope they are useful" because the situation in the country "I think is much more serious than we are imagining it".

"I am against the Mes because it hooks up to an external bond that does not make the national interest, but the real problem is the Stability Pact, it must be changed," says Di Battista "No M5S exponent with whom I spoke in the room caritatis in the past few weeks he has ever told me that he plans to activate Mes, "he adds. "The M5S - he underlines - must organize a congress, a constituent assembly. I formally ask for an assembly as soon as possible in which all souls can build their own agenda and we will see who will win".