The Limited Times

The European Union renews its condemnation of the occupation plan to annex parts of the West Bank 

6/15/2020, 5:09:45 AM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA The European Union renewed its condemnation of the Israeli occupation plan to annex parts of the West Bank

Occupied Jerusalem-SANA

The European Union renewed its condemnation of the Israeli occupation plan to annex parts of the West Bank to its entity, stressing the continuation of its diplomatic efforts and its political positions in support of the Palestinian issue within the framework of preventing the occupation.

"The European Union supports the Palestinian people and strengthens their steadfastness on the lands threatened by seizing them through the establishment of thousands of settlement units," Wafa news agency quoted the official of the Information and Communications Office in the European Union Shadi Othman as saying today.

Othman explained that the European Union is following everything that is happening on the ground, including violations of the occupation and the crimes of its settlers against the Palestinians, which are demolishing their homes, displacing them and seizing their lands to ensure that these lands are Palestinian.

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