The Limited Times

Egyptian LGBT activist suicide, he suffered torture in his cell

6/16/2020, 3:31:44 PM

Sara Hegazy took her life in Canada where she was in exile. From the US the news that the Supreme Court has decided that a worker cannot be dismissed because he is gay or transgender [ supreme-usa-defends-gay-rights_0b2e7ddd-17ab-4f0f-8cc4-0797ecad4e60.html] (ANSA)

An Egyptian activist for the rights of the LGBT community, thirty-year-old Sara Hegazy, committed suicide in her home in Canada, where she had been living in exile since 2018. She made it known to Jazeera, recalling that the girl had been in prison in Egypt for three months, during which she had been mistreated and humiliated. He left a note to family and friends asking for "forgiveness". "My experience has been tough and I'm too weak to resist," he would have written.

Hegazy had risen to the fore after hoisting the LGBT rainbow flag at a concert in Egypt in October 2017. The singer of the band who played was openly gay. Later, for that affair, she had been arrested together with dozens of other people, accused by the Egyptian judiciary of "promoting sexual deviance and debauchery". Hegazy had spent three months in prison before being released on bail. However, she had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the humiliation and mistreatment she faced during her captivity, enough to convince her to attempt suicide in the cell. In 2018 she moved to Canada after filing an asylum application. In the letter left the young woman wrote: "To my brothers: I tried to find redemption and I failed, forgive me. To my friends: the experience was hard and I am too weak to resist, forgive me. In the world, you have been in largely cruel, but I forgive. " Activists paid homage to Hegazy on social media, using the hashtag #RaiseTheFlagForSarah.