The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law|Wang Zhenmin said that legislation is not "one country, one system": Hong Kong must be worthy of the central government's love

6/16/2020, 12:52:27 AM

The National Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies today (June 15) held a seminar on the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law to discuss the decision made by the National People's Congress last month to formulate a national security law for the port area. Wang Zhenmin, a professor at the School of Law of Tsinghua University and a former minister of the Legal Department of the Liaison Office of China, mentioned that some people said that the Central Government’s implementation of the National Security Law is "one country, one system". He reiterated that on the issue of national security, the world is one country, one system, whether The same is true for federal and unitary countries. One country, two systems in Hong Kong "is absolutely the exception."

Political situation

Author: Wu Zhuo An Linjian

2020-06-15 12:07

Last update date: 2020-06-15 12:07

The National Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies today (June 15) held a seminar on the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law to discuss the decision made by the National People's Congress last month to formulate a national security law for the port area. Wang Zhenmin, a professor at the School of Law of Tsinghua University and a former minister of the Legal Department of the Liaison Office of China, mentioned that some people said that the Central Government’s implementation of the National Security Law is "one country, one system". He reiterated that on the issue of national security, the world is one country, one system, whether The same is true for federal and unitary countries. One country, two systems in Hong Kong "is absolutely the exception."

Wang Zhenying mentioned that the problems to be solved by the National Security Law are that some of the Basic Laws have not been completely resolved and have not been clearly specified. (Profile picture/Photo by Lin Ruoqin)

The current version is "the mildest, the most basic, the minimum"

Wang Zhenmin pointed out that since Hong Kong’s return to China, people have often “disguised” the central government. From the interpretation of laws, the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, national education, universal suffrage issues, and the turmoil of last year’s amendments, all kinds of lies and rumors can be said to have reached the "climax" It can be written as a "wonderful book". Later, it turned out to be a lie. Today Hong Kong is still the most free place in the world. He also said that the losses caused by these lies, especially for young people, are already irreversible.

Wang Zhenmin mentioned that some people said that the central government's promotion of national security laws is "one country, one system." He pointed out that on the issue of national security, the world is one country, one system, whether it is a federal system or a unitary system. Hong Kong's one country, two systems are "absolutely exceptional." Before the reunification, the political department of the Hong Kong Police Force also directly belonged to the United Kingdom. Wang Zhenmin pointed out that on the issue of national security, the central government naturally has the right to implement one country, one system. However, he believes that if all the codes of mainland China are implemented in Hong Kong, then it is one country, one system. He emphasized that the main responsibility for maintaining national security in Hong Kong is in the SAR, and the role of the central government is to lead and supervise.

He mentioned that the problems to be solved by the National Security Law are that some Basic Laws have not been fully resolved and are not very clearly stipulated. The NPC’s decision is to develop and improve the Basic Law. At the same time, because of the trust in the Special Zone, the main responsibility for implementation is handed over to the Special Zone. Hong Kong must be worthy of the "trust, trust and love" of the central government. Wang Zhenmin also pointed out that at present, only Hong Kong has no perfect national security laws. Legislation is to fill in the gaps. The current version is already the "modest, most basic, and minimum" legislation. If this is not acceptable, it is better to use the national security of other countries Use it.

Han Dayuan (left) described that the Basic Law is China's contribution to world civilization. (Profile picture/photo by Li Zetong)

Han Dayuan secretly criticizes the Bar Association

Han Dayuan, a professor at the School of Law of Renmin University and a member of the Basic Law Committee, described the Basic Law as China’s contribution to world civilization. Different people should understand the Basic Law from this perspective, referring to the opinions and criticisms of legal groups on the National Security Law. Respect, but he criticizes that these opinions are not based on the text of the Basic Law, and even professional opinions lose their professional position.

Han Dayuan emphasized that national security is the basic guarantee for the stability of "one country, two systems". The central government is very cautious in exercising its decision-making power. This time, it made a major legal action through the decision, which shows its necessity and importance, and also refers to Hong Kong's national security loopholes. It poses major risks for the country, otherwise the central government will not make this decision.

Tan Huizhu pointed out that it is the central authority to establish a national security mechanism and maintain national security. (Profile picture/Photo by Liang Pengwei)

Tan Huizhu pointed out that

Tan Huizhu, deputy director of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee without Residual Power , said that the establishment of the national security mechanism and the maintenance of national security are central authorities, and there is no violation of the Basic Law. Article 23 refers to Hong Kong’s own legislation, which is only a mandatory legal requirement. Excluding that the Central Government can do any measures to safeguard national sovereignty, it is believed that the National Security Law is to deepen the understanding of "one country, two systems."

Tan Huizhu, a former member of the Basic Law, pointed out that not all matters except Hong Kong’s national defense diplomacy are Hong Kong’s autonomy. The central government can exercise sovereignty and appoint officials. It also mentioned that some people looked at the Basic Law by common law and thought that the Basic Law It can be done without writing, such as citizen disobedience and citizen nomination. It is regarded as a distortion of Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. It emphasizes that under Article 20 of the Basic Law, there is no residual power in Hong Kong.

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