The Limited Times

In Strasbourg, rush of local elected officials towards the reopened German border

6/16/2020, 6:49:34 PM

Three months after the border was closed unilaterally by the German government, it reopened on Sunday evening at midnight.

Three months that have left their mark. Almost three months, to the day, after the border was closed unilaterally by the German government, it reopened on Sunday evening at midnight. Still there had been a final misunderstanding on the date of June 15. At 0 o'clock or at 24 o'clock? Finally, Paris and Berlin agreed on Sunday evening, midnight.

In Kehl, on the other side of the Europe bridge, which links Strasbourg to Germany, the president of the Grand Est, Jean Rottner, took the opportunity to exchange views with his German partners. In this case, it was not President Kretschmann, but his vice-president and Minister of the Interior, Thomas Strobl, who was there. In the presence of the prefect Josiane Chevalier, held with the obligation of reserve, but who did not forget the famous March 16.

Dialogue has always existed between us

Jean Rottner

"Dialogue has always existed between us," certified Jean Rottner. After thanking its interlocutors for the care - free - of Covid-19 patients

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