The Limited Times

Key Summit in Health to define if the quarantine in the AMBA is tightened

6/16/2020, 5:49:29 PM

This afternoon the ministers González García (Nation), Gollán (Province) and Quirós (City) meet. Mayor Larreta refuses to back down with the relaxation of isolation, despite pressure from the national government.

06/15/2020 - 14:44

  • Clarí
  • Politics

As few times since President Alberto Fernández imposed a quarantine to stop the advance of the coronavirus, the Nation, the Province and the City will come with clear differences to the meeting that they will hold this afternoon at the Ministry of Health of the Nation to analyze changes in the face of the growth of the cases.

The meeting, from 5 pm, takes place after a weekend in which voices of weight from the Front of All emerged that asked to go back with the opening of some activities in the Metropolitan Area, while the City resists and even proposed to expand the list.

The Minister of Health of the Nation, Ginés González García, will host the meeting in which his peers Daniel Gollán (Province) and Fernán Quirós (City) and their teams will participate. 

The position of González García and Gollán, beyond the technical point of view, follows from what the President and the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, publicly stated in the last hours, who today seem to be closer than ever in the health strategy.

This fact is not less: on previous occasions, Fernández was a circumstantial ally of the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta; when he promoted the opening of more activities, even at times when he received harsh criticism of kicillofismo.

For the head of state, the situation is now different. As Clarín recounted days ago, the national government noted the growth in the number of new daily cases that occurred in the last week. They warn, with concern, about the possibility that it is not a new "plateau" on the curve, but an exponential growth; and they raise the need for the president to "use the handbrake" and tighten the quarantine in the AMBA.

On the other hand, in the City they maintain that the increase in cases in the last days does not imply an acceleration of the curve and that the R, the value that shows how many people a Covid-19 infected person can transmit, "continues in little less 1.2, like a month ago. " And they consider that there is scope to continue with the opening of some specific activities that are aimed at completing three months closed. 

However, over the weekend Larreta sought to bring positions closer together , knowing that the Nation and Province are pressing to toughen the quarantine, and he was open to listening: "If the cases increase a lot, we will make decisions, every day we are evaluating," he said. on Radio 10. And he said that he talks "all the time" with the President and the Governor. 

This time, Fernández has already made it clear that he does not agree with maintaining the conditions of the current quarantine: "I am very concerned about the acceleration of infections. I would be more in favor of restricting public transport and those recreational outings to running, and to put more controls, (since) they are not enough ", he told Radio 10.

Despite the fact that Health experts have conflicting views regarding the risk of contagion caused by opening up to running, there is a uniformity of criteria in the Nation and Province regarding that it generates relaxation in other sectors of society. Thus, at least it is clear from the similarity of the proposals that were heard in the last hours.

“How are we going to explain to someone who sells cubanitos at a stoplight that they can't do it if they can go running? Can you go running, which is not life or death, and you can't go looking for mango? ”Kicillof asked himself in an interview with Infobae.

The Secretary of Access to Health, Carla Vizzotti, raised something similar on Radio La Red: “How do we explain this to a person who cannot go out and do a joke and see people running in Palermo? How do we explain it to an Olympic athlete who can't train? "