The Limited Times

Thanks to Corona: New Cheese Born in France | Israel today

6/16/2020, 7:26:42 PM

| Food newsCheese makers got stuck with aged cheese in the basement • The product got a new flavor and texture, and the name "closure" "Curd cheese" with mottled mold // Photo: Facebook Surprise in France: The closure of the Corona epidemic has led to the discovery of a new type of cheese made by chance. It all started when the Lionel and Laura Waxelier, cheese makers from the town of Celsio Sur-Muslet, i...

Cheese makers got stuck with aged cheese in the basement • The product got a new flavor and texture, and the name "closure"

  • "Curd cheese" with mottled mold // Photo: Facebook

Surprise in France: The closure of the Corona epidemic has led to the discovery of a new type of cheese made by chance. It all started when the Lionel and Laura Waxelier, cheese makers from the town of Celsio Sur-Muslet, in the northeastern state, were required to work around the clock to save their small business, a farm shop known as "La Petty Garbier," the move at closure.

While the couple was busy with orders and deliveries for the quarantined customers, they left 60 old loaves of fresh Munster cheese in the basement. Troubled by the difficult economic situation, the cheeses that were in demand were not forgotten in the basement.

The 60 squares of the sweet-smelling cheese, unique to the Munster town area, aged for a whole month in the basement and were covered in speckled gray mold, traditionally, evidence that the cheese was broken.

Out of curiosity, the couple tasted the cheese and discovered that it had undergone a new ripening process and changed its taste. According to the couple, cheese has actually become a completely different type of cheese.

"We forgot the cheeses there, we left them and there was a lot of pressure and we had to operate our store to survive the closure and have a way to live," Laura Wexelier says. 

The new cheese, which gained popularity and became an amazing hit among store customers, also needed the name and the couple decided to name it the closure of 'le confine' and the closure cheese. Meanwhile, advertising on the new discovery became all French and all 60 new cheese circles were simply snatched from the store shelves. "We don't even have a crumb of this new cheese right now and we will have to make more," said businessmen, who said the discovery and the profits it brought covered the losses of the long closure.

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