The Limited Times

They stopped him at a traffic control and discovered that he was carrying his children hidden in the trunk

6/16/2020, 8:52:01 PM

It was in the control of the path of Buen Ayre by the coronavirus quarantine. The boys are 12 and 13 years old. The driver's wife was also detained.

06/15/2020 - 17:12

  • Clarí
  • Society

The gray Volkswagen Surán was stopped by a vehicle control on the Camino del Buen Ayre, at the height of the Buenos Aires town of Ituzaingó, in the context of the coronavirus quarantine.

The surprise of the authorities was not that the couple who traveled in the car circulated without permission but that they took their teenage children hidden in the trunk of the car: they  were going to visit the father of the driver.

The operation of the Vial del Buen Ayre department was stopped at kilometer 21.5. It was there that they stopped the march of a VW Surán that was coming from the City of Buenos Aires and was heading towards San Miguel .

They detain a couple who was carrying the children in the trunk of the car. They were going from Capital to San Miguel to visit the father of the driver.

In the car was a 35-year-old man, accompanied by his 32-year-old wife. According to the police report, they had a permit " not authorized for the activity of the moment".

In addition, they noted that the driver became " nervous " and "refused" to open the trunk of the car.

The police searched the trunk of the car from the rear seats and noted, based on the video that was released, that there were two people hidden .

Thus, they made the driver unlock the trunk and two teenagers, 12 and 13 years old, came out of it .

That's how they discovered the boys in the trunk of the car.

After informing the criminal secretariat No. 2 of the Morón Federal Court, they were ordered to be detained for violating articles 205 and 239 of the Penal Code, for breach of social, preventive and mandatory isolation in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic.

They were all forced to go home .