The Limited Times

Torch sacrifices his values ​​for his hatred of Netanyahu Israel today

6/16/2020, 10:14:09 PM

Opposition chairman, who shuffles in polls, claimed: "There is no Mandelblit affair" • But the confusion may be in him • Opinion | Political

Opposition chairman, who shuffles in polls, claimed in the post that "there is no Mandelblit affair - enough to confuse the brain" • But "brain confusion" may be Torch's inheritance • Opinion

  • torch


    Elad Gutman

Yair Lapid, the man who came to politics to "shape a better world," is currently conducting close competition with his new partner Boogie Ya'alon for the title of delusional politician in Israel. Last Sunday night, Lapid posted a Facebook post stating that "there is no Mandelblit affair," stating that Mandelblit's story "was investigated as thoroughly as possible, which the High Court discussed and investigated and found that there was nothing, so it was enough to confuse the brain."

In reality, "confusion of the mind" may actually be Lapid's inheritance: As Ayala Hasson said, an alleged fateful opinion by State Attorney Shai Nitzan that Mendelblit's case in the Ashkenazi case was not closed for lack of guilt but apparently for lack of evidence was concealed The claim from the High Court in real time - so the affair could not be "thoroughly investigated." 

Lapid, who shuffles through the polls, refrained from mentioning in the post the name of revealing the affair, Ayala Hasson, who claimed that in the past, "Lapid had bullied his foolish followers and tried to hurt me when he contacted my employers." This time, Torch attacked the "noisy publications" of "Israel Today" on the subject. The chairman is likely to expect Israel Today to apply the journalistic standards of Yedioth Ahronoth - the Torch House newspaper, in which he wrote until his accession to politics - who did not consider it appropriate to devote a word to Hasson's exposure.

Yedioth publisher Noni Moses, who is being prosecuted for bribery in the 2000 case, met with Finance Minister Lapid at the apartment in Savyon - without these meetings appearing in Lapid's diary. One could wonder what the contents of the talks were not revealed. "Israel Today," which could have shipped millions of shekels into Moses' pocket, and one of which was signed by MK Joel Rzbuzov of Lapid's party.

About a week before the bill was submitted, in March 2014, Yediothim released a brave and subversive item that "members Yair Lapid and Rami Klinstein collaborated on a new song. Yedioth Ahronoth readers will be able to hear the song first." Later, a huge headline was published at the Yedioth title page about Zero Finance Minister Zero's "VAT" revolution. Lapid himself was not present at the plenary when voting on "Israel Today" law, for fear of conflict of interest, given his proximity to Moses and "Yedioth" - but It was recently revealed that Moses admitted to his police investigation that he had spoken to Torch about the law.

More on:

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Torch and Moses could also talk about transferring millions of shekels to "news" from government ministries headed by ministers of the future. Cynics have suggested that sympathetic torch coverage in Yedioth is related to or may have been credited with the economic benefits, but fortunately for Torch, the Mandelblit cohort - whom Torch defends nowadays - was not one of them. Investigated Torch for his relationship with billionaire Arnon Milchan - despite being signed to a conflict of interest in the billionaire's business. 

Lapid, who grew up in the press, threatened to sue journalists Yoav Yitzhak and Boaz Golan, and filed a lawsuit against journalist Eli Zippori for publications he did not like. He has run his party as a tyrant and extended his tenure as chairman three times. Recently, a blatant false spread that "the whole world was ready for Corona except Israel", alongside an embarrassing historical ignorance demonstration ("Benjamin Dizraeli's Four Fathers"). Even willing to sacrifice his basic values ​​and join the common list - all about the altar of Netanyahu's hatred. In the words of Lapid himself: "Something happened to him."