The Limited Times

Turkey: the number of contaminations doubles compared to the beginning of June

6/16/2020, 7:15:26 PM

The Turkish Minister of Health warned his fellow citizens on Monday against carelessness in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, at a time when the contamination figures are doubling compared to the beginning of June. Read also: Renaud Girard: "The disturbing Turkish breakthrough in Libya" The country has registered 1,592 new cases and 18 deaths in the past 24 hours, Fahrettin Koca said o...

The Turkish Minister of Health warned his fellow citizens on Monday against carelessness in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, at a time when the contamination figures are doubling compared to the beginning of June.

Read also: Renaud Girard: "The disturbing Turkish breakthrough in Libya"

The country has registered 1,592 new cases and 18 deaths in the past 24 hours, Fahrettin Koca said on his Twitter account. By June 2, there had only been 786 infections. The Minister wrote in capital letters: " The numbers are increasing in certain areas ", without giving further details.

" Shall we choose to let go or will we fight? We can control the spread if we adopt masks and social distancing measures . ” Turkey recently re-authorized city connections, resumption of domestic flights, reopening of cafes and restaurants, and ended containment measures on weekends.

According to the latest official figures, the death toll has reached 4,825 and the number of cases is approaching 180,000. The Turkish Medical Association said on June 12 that there was " no evidence " that the pandemic had been brought under control in the country.

Read also: Turkey exploits Kurdish divisions in Iraq and Syria