The Limited Times

When will the "Muslims come" broadcast?

6/16/2020, 10:58:47 PM

Itamar FleischmannSubstantial amounts of fire and sulfur were thrown at the creators and participants of the satire program "The Jews Are Coming," since its fourth season aired two weeks ago in the public broadcasting corporation. This is not a new matter. Already in its first season, the program, whose skits mock and despise Judaism, has been at the heart of the Gaza controversy. This time the intensity of the a...

Substantial amounts of fire and sulfur were thrown at the creators and participants of the satire program "The Jews Are Coming," since its fourth season aired two weeks ago in the public broadcasting corporation.

This is not a new matter. Already in its first season, the program, whose skits mock and despise Judaism, has been at the heart of the Gaza controversy. This time the intensity of the anger on the part of religious officials, and on the part of viewers who have difficulty absorbing a joke, larger and wider, and not by chance. In interviews that accompanied the return of the program to the screen, the writers and actors made it clear that their messages were allotted, and one even claimed that "this time we came to a fight." It is hard to believe that any of them feel grief or distress in the face of the arrows pointed at them. It is a blessed reality, and the role of satire is to bite, anger, and provoke reaction. "The Jews Are Coming" serves up sharp, original and subversive satire, and is definitely up to the task.

But satire is supposed to kick everyone, and in this mission "the Jews are coming," like its "Back to Nation" to "Great Land," fails. Contrary to the avant-garde fiction she likes to cultivate, and to the ornamental image by which she perceives herself, the blue-white satire industry is frightened and voluntarily censor itself. There are issues that are forbidden or unwilling to touch, there are windmills that will not even try to fight them.

The skit of "Muslims / Arabs coming" will never appear on the screen because, as you know, when it comes to satire, it's only the Jews, the religious, the settlers, the Mizrahi and the ultra-Orthodox. Some are issues such as "due to family honor" or polygamy, in the face of another Strimel joke that does not go to the military. Why make a satirical statement about trifles like Arab homophobia or Islamic bigotry, when the millionth skit can be done on the domes that murdered the prime minister. 20 percent of the country's population receives zero percent of the punches, which in any other area would be interpreted as 100 percent discrimination.

Among the definitions that the Hebrew satire has built for itself, the laws are clear and the target for assault will also be the easiest target. Always synagogue and ignorant elected officials and judges in Givat Ram, always Bnei Brak and Umm al-Fahm, always ore and Mishmar Haemek, always the Bible and not the Koran tefillin and baking. Must not cross the line, and who dares to pass - would be suppressed.

One example is a program censorship The right-hander "Everything Shafit" aired in 2015 in the Broadcasting Authority, in its short life, commissioners censored two of its skits; one dealt with Arabs and the other compared the Oslo accords to the Holocaust. American animated program "South Park", both of which are prohibited episodes broadcast in Israel. the reason: the censored image of Mohammed appears, and in a much less ridiculous than that of Moses Jews come. "there are many more examples.

" the Jews come "is a program Satire is important and kicking, but like its sisters to the genre, it kicks selectively, and selectively kicks the difference between satire and propaganda.

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