The Limited Times

Bioethics bill returns to assembly in July

6/17/2020, 11:05:31 AM

In addition to the flagship measure to extend the MQP to single women and female couples, the bill includes a reform of the filia

The bioethics bill, which opens medically assisted procreation (PMA) to all women, will be well examined at second reading in the Assembly in July, according to the decree convening the extraordinary session published Tuesday in the Official Journal.

While members of the majority even worried about a postponement of the text to the start of the school year, or even beyond, this campaign promise of Emmanuel Macron is therefore on the agenda for next month, despite the major upheavals linked to the coronavirus crisis.

When Véran reassured

At the end of May, the chairman of the LREM group of deputies Gilles Le Gendre had deemed it "impossible" to adopt the text "before the summer", and "hoped that we will be able to adopt it by the end of the quinquennium", prompting back into his camp and causing the intervention of the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

Bioethics law brings many beautiful and real societal advances. The parliamentary debate is not finished, and if the priority given to the health crisis makes its adoption difficult before the summer, alas, it will be in the next few months!

- Olivier Véran (@olivierveran) May 21, 2020

In addition to the flagship measure of the extension of the PMA to single women and couples of women, the bill, which had been adopted at first reading in the Assembly in October 2019 before being adopted but modified by the Senate in February 2020, includes a reform of parentage, a modification of access to origins for people born thanks to a sperm donation or even self-storage of oocytes.

Other bills have been placed on the agenda of the extraordinary session, the precise course of which is not yet known. Among these, the text organizing the end of the state of health emergency or the third amending finance bill.