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Caution: The sight of these potatoes causes nightmares

6/17/2020, 4:36:44 PM

Potatoes are actually harmless and at most make people with a low-carbohydrate diet nervous. It's different with these potatoes ...

Potatoes are actually harmless and at most make people with a low-carbohydrate diet nervous. It's different with these potatoes ...

  • Apart from director John De Bello's "killer tomatoes", vegetables are actually not known to be dangerous.
  • Still, it can sometimes give you goosebumps.
  • Like these recently discovered potatoes.

Do you sometimes forget something in the back of the fridge or on the shelf in the pantry? If you're lucky, the food has just expired * or dried up. If you're unlucky, mold has formed * or it has turned into an unsavory, smelly mass. What this Reddit user has experienced is probably between these extremes: in terms of smell it is certainly still acceptable, but the mere sight has what it takes for a horror film.

Potatoes grow into terrifying "monsters"

In the subreddit "oddlyterrifying" (German, oddly terrible), the user "Dr_Oster" posted a picture with the inconspicuous title "Potatoes left online for three months". And then this:

Potatoes left in a net for 3 month from r / oddlyterrifying

The potatoes have not formed a sprout, but countless shoots . Now it looks as if an unspeakable thing is crouching in space in the corner and waiting for a victim - and not just a sack of expelled potatoes *. So it is no wonder that the picture is a hot topic in the Reddit community:

"You will soon start crawling around," says a user, and you ca n't even blame him for this nauseating thought . Another tries to calm the "Lord of the Potatoes": "Are you already eating the carrots? No? Then everything is still okay." Most comments compare the ambitious potatoes to aliens and monsters from well-known horror films.

Clever: Thanks to this quick trick, you never have to peel potatoes again

Phobia before the sight of expelled potatoes?

The user "Kathwino" is even sure to have a phobia. "I once found an onion in the back of a kitchen cabinet that looked like it. I could n't touch it or even look at it and had to get someone to remove it." And the Internet would not be the Internet if another user did not have the name for this strange phobia: Linonophonie , the fear of threads and cords.

If you are shaken by the sight of these "extraterrestrial" potatoes, you know why.

Better to consume potatoes straight away, for example like this: Melted Potato Recipe - You have to try these brilliant potatoes


Yuck, mold! You can still eat these foods

To the photo gallery

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital network.