The Limited Times

Iraqi writers condemn the American western economic terrorism against Syria

6/18/2020, 11:38:56 PM

BAGHDAD - SANA, Iraqi writers vehemently denounced the US unilateral coercive measures against Syria, stressing that they are


Iraqi writers strongly condemned the unilateral, coercive American measures against Syria, asserting that they constitute brute economic terrorism, in violation of all divine laws and regulations.

"These aggressive practices are neither strange nor new to Washington, and they represent open reactions due to the failure of its project to control terrorist groups affiliated with them in Syria and Iraq," said novelist Muhammad Saadoun al-Sebahi, in statements to the SANA correspondent in Baghdad. And the will of the Syrian people.

For his part, the novelist and storyteller Ali Al-Sudani considered that every country that responds to these systematic practices is a "dishonorable" country, pointing out that this evaluation includes individuals and groups that promote this declared crime that reminds of killing more than a million Iraqis in the criminal siege of the 1990s.

The storyteller and novelist Abdul-Amir Hungary said that "the policy of starving people for political goals is the dirtiest form of abuse and arbitrariness," noting that what happened to Iraq must be a lesson for all liberals in the world to reject this criminal policy.

In turn, the novelist Jaber Mohamed Jaber affirmed that "both the enemy of Syria and its people lost because Syria is the fortress of the Arab steadfastness and the last bulwark of Arabism, and it is not reasonable for US President Donald Trump, the defender, to win the will of history and civilization."

For his part, the poet Kazem Ghaylan considered that "Caesar's law is a scenario that is never different from the alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction scenario that served as the gateway to the destruction of Iraq," expressing his hopes that Syria will live in a homeland and a people and that it remains a haven for all free and honorable people.