The Limited Times

"Classic moments" N ° 16: musical chairs

6/19/2020, 6:28:45 PM

EXCLUSIVE SUBSCRIBERS LETTER - Records, opera, concerts, books. All the news of the classic, by Thierry Hillériteau.

Dear subscribers,

Welcome, in this sixteenth edition of "Classic Moments", your letter exclusively dedicated to classical music and opera. Every Friday, we offer you a maximum of musical choices to discover, rediscover, or share. From our latest discographic favorites to the shows to watch from your place, which had ignited our critics at the time of their creation. Going through the books whose music of words seduced us.

In this weekend so special of Music Festival, we will discuss the few initiatives proposed here and there to allow, this Sunday, institutions to find a small part of their audience. We will come back above all to the amazing game of musical chairs that is being played in the capital, and the recent appointment of the young Klaus Mäkelä , 24, at the head of the Paris Orchestra . Let’s take news from the Paris Opera Academy . We will remember Nicolas Joel and Claude Samuel , two figures

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