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A tiger mosquito at home: ANSES asks to report it in photos

6/19/2020, 9:23:59 PM

This insect vector of infectious diseases has colonized 58 departments. The health security agency invites you to report its presence s

It has inherited the name of the most powerful of felines but it is smaller than a penny. And yet, it shakes the French health authorities. Since its appearance in Menton (Alpes-Maritimes) in 2004, the tiger mosquito has continued to expand its territory.

Now present in 58 departments, this invasive species which can transmit to humans diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika has been observed up to the Paris region. To better monitor its progress on the territory, the Health Security Agency (ANSES) exclusively announces that it calls on citizens to report its presence by sending photos of the insect and the place of its discovery on the reporting site.

"If the photo shows that it is indeed a tiger mosquito, this allows us to do field surveys, possibly set traps and launch mosquito control operations," explains Johanna Fite, head of vector mission to ANSES. If the experts must first validate the photographs, it is because it is easy to confuse a "tiger" with a classical mosquito.

Small in size, the insect measures less than 5 mm. He is white and black and we can note the presence of a white line along his chest. To find out if it is really a mosquito, locate its biting device: a long appendage extending from the head.

Among the five most invasive species in the world

Native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Aedes albopictus, from its scientific name, arrived in France via the tire trade. "He has a very good ability to adapt, especially in urban areas," says Johanna Fite. It can colonize a multitude of receptacles such as vases, pots, cans, gutters, in which it installs its breeding place and lays its eggs ”. Today established in more than 100 countries on five continents, the tiger mosquito is classified among the most invasive species in the world. Silent and daytime, it bites more during the day (mainly in the morning and in the evening), while the common mosquito tends to bite more at night.

"To avoid the proliferation of this species, it is necessary to destroy the nesting grounds, empty regularly or remove the cups under the flower pots and vases and cover the water recovery cans with a mosquito net or of fabric advises ANSES. It is also possible to fill the containers with sand in order to conserve moisture without stagnant water, to protect the buckets, garden equipment and containers from the rain. And if you are lucky enough to have an ornamental pond, install fish there that will eat the mosquito larvae. "

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The tiger mosquito rests mainly in the vegetation, the health agency recommends to maintain its garden, to prune the trees, to clear the hedges and tall grass, to avoid the storage of plant debris. If you spot one near you, learn to protect yourself from it. It is best to wear long, loose and light clothing, use skin repellents and / or mosquito nets. If France still intends to prevent its progression, eradicating the presence of the tiger in France does not seem to be an option for the health authorities. "We will have to learn to live with it," concedes Johanna Fite.