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The nurse whose controversial arrest brought a complaint to the IGPN

6/19/2020, 10:01:47 PM

Arrested on June 16 on the sidelines of the caregivers' demonstration, she accused the police of being too brutal. She is accused

The font of the fonts is seized. Farida C., the nurse arrested on June 16 in the capital on the sidelines of the carers' demonstration, filed a complaint with the General Inspectorate of the National Police, learned this Friday Le Parisien from judicial sources, confirming information from BFMTV.

This complaint relates to violence committed by persons responsible for public authority. The images of the arrest of this caregiver have toured France. We see the complainant being bluntly put on the ground.

During her hearing, this nurse working at the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) admitted that she threw stones at the police, according to the source familiar with the matter. But, she said, her anger was not directed at the police but at the state.

A woman in a white blouse, pulled by the hair, during an arrest, will eventually be evacuated with a bloody face during the demonstration at the Invalides. She will repeatedly claim her Ventoline.

Images from my direct on @brutofficiel (1H45). #careers

- Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) June 16, 2020

The nurse told, according to this close source, the harshness of her profession, working days from 10 am to 2 pm at the height of the Covid-19 epidemic, the death of 20 patients during this period, her presence with them, his fatigue and a positive serology to the virus.

A first rally demanding the release of the nurse, in a context of denunciation of police violence in France, was held Tuesday evening in front of the police station of the 7th arrondissement, where she had been placed in police custody, in the presence of the deputies of La France Insoumise Éric Coquerel, Mathilde Panot and Danièle Obono. At the end of the Paris demonstration, the police prefecture had reported 32 arrests linked to the scuffles.

At the end of her police custody, she was summoned to the Paris court on September 25 to be tried for "contempt" and "violence" on any person holding public authority.

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VIDEO. Carers' demonstration: sharp scuffles in Paris