The Limited Times

Vicentin: the contest judge temporarily restored the original directory of the cereal company

6/19/2020, 10:05:30 PM

Fabián Lorenzini accepted a precautionary measure from the owners of the firm for 60 days, until the opinion of the syndicate and the inspector appointed by the government, who for now remains as "veedor".

Lucia Salinas

06/19/2020 - 13:05

  • Clarí
  • Politics

In the framework of the preventive bankruptcy proceedings, the Reconquista commercial judge Fabián Lorenzini ordered the reinstatement of the Vicentin Group board of directors at the grain company . The precautionary measure is temporary , for a period of 60 days, which can be extended , until the controller ordered by the Government and the union is issued. Thus, a claim was made by the company, for whose managers "the irruption of the interveners in said pre-existing administration, abruptly and untimely, prevented any type of orderly transition, leaving the company adrift." The magistrate also decided that for the time being, the Financial Controller will have a role of "veedor" . Too he declared himself incompetent regarding the unconstitutional request of the DNU that the firm intervened.

With the background political discussion regarding the government's decision to expropriate Vicentin through a law that will be sent to Congress, various presentations were made before the court that is in charge of the bankruptcy of the firm. One of them was that of the Vicentin Group, which this newspaper accessed.

The cereal company stated that, after the officialization of the financial controller arranged by the Alberto Fernández government, the normal operation of the firm and the "present bankruptcy process , such as: The existence of an ongoing credit verification process, the need to safeguard the normal course of business activities and meet obligations whose maturity occurs periodically, need to pay thousands of workers, continuity of contracts. "

In their letter, they also recalled the agro-export volume of the company -which represents approximately 9% of the total exportable supply of the Argentine Republic- "all of which could be seriously affected by the de facto situation generated thanks to the displacement of the directors mentioned, with the consequent damage to the bankrupt and therefore, also to its creditors, since the collection of its credits depends mainly on the operational continuity of the company. "

For this reason, they requested before Judge Lorenzini "the immediate restitution of the aforementioned in their positions, within the Board of Directors the bankrupt company and the displacement of the appointed auditors, based on the illegitimacy and unconstitutionality of the aforementioned decree of necessity and urgency, holding its absolute and unhealthy nullity . "

In this regard, the magistrate ordered "as a self-satisfying measure and after provision of counter-precaution, that the natural administrators of the bankrupt company, appointed in accordance with the last Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, continue to exercise the functions for which they were appointed, in accordance with the statute Of the same".

Likewise, it provided that the Auditors designated in the DNU 522/2020 of the PEN, "may continue to carry out their task, with the degree of controlling inspectors ."