The Limited Times

Deconfinement: resumption of collective sports, reopening of stadiums and return of the public

6/20/2020, 6:19:27 PM

The Government announced this Saturday a new step in the resumption of sport in France. In flagship measure: the return of the public to the stadiums in less than a month.

Roxana Maracineanu formalized this Saturday what she had already mentioned in recent days: the public will be accepted again in stadiums from July 11, within the limit of 5000 people and "in compliance with the sanitary rules applicable to rooms of spectacle ”. This should allow the two national football cup finals (the dates of which are not yet fixed) to take place with the public in particular, but above all, at all the championships to resume in September with the supporters. This gauge could possibly be raised in mid-August depending on the evolution of the situation.

For combat sports it will still be necessary to wait

The practice of all team sports will again be authorized without limit from Monday 22 June. On the other hand, only high-level athletes and professionals will be able to resume combat sports, amateur and leisure practitioners, are invited to favor alternative forms while awaiting new directives during the next phase of deconfinement.

The Government also announced the reopening of all sports facilities, as well as leisure bases that can, always respecting general health rules (barrier gestures, no gathering of more than ten people in public space, respect physical distance…).

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