The Limited Times

Donald Trump says ex-advisor Bolton will pay 'high' price for book

6/21/2020, 5:20:14 AM

A U.S. judge on Saturday refused to block the release of Donald Trump's ex-adviser's explosive book, where he flayed the president-candidate.

Donald Trump said on Saturday that his former adviser John Bolton would pay the " high price" for " breaking the law " with the publication of his book, a vitriolic book that flayed the president a few months before the election.

Bolton broke the law, was exposed and blamed for doing so, with a very high price to pay. He likes to drop bombs on people, and kill them. Now bombs will fall on him! Said the President on Twitter.

An American judge refused on Saturday to block the release of the explosive book of ex-adviser to Donald Trump, where he flayed the president-candidate, already under pressure a few months before the presidential election. John Bolton " posed a risk to the national security of the United States " and " put his country in danger, " said the judge of the federal court of Washington, Royce Lamberth, in his decision. But " the government has failed to establish that a ban would prevent irreparable damage. His request is therefore dismissed, ”he concluded.

Justice Lamberth noted that the book had already been widely circulated and that it was now " an open secret ". According to the editor, more than 200,000 copies have already been sent to bookstores across the country. The judge acknowledged that John Bolton did not appear to have asked the White House for " written permission " before publication, which would have certified that there were no " classified " items in the book.

Entitled " The Room Where it Happened, " the book chronicles the author's 17 months with the occupant of the Oval Office as a national security adviser in 2018- 2019. In this vitriolic book, the former adviser to the White House fuels the image of an incompetent American president on the international scene, mocked by senior officials of his own administration and expressing his thirst for re-election on November 3 before the interest of the country.

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