The Limited Times

Alberto Fernández, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Axel Kicillof meet in Olivos to define the future of quarantine

6/22/2020, 9:36:42 PM

The meeting is scheduled for this Monday at 12:30. The Metropolitan Area accumulates more than 38 thousand positive cases.

06/21/2020 - 22:23

  • Clarí
  • Politics

These are key hours for the future of the coronavirus quarantine in the metropolitan area: Alberto Fernández , Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Axel Kicillof  meet in Olivos, this Monday, at 12:30 noon. The information was confirmed by Clarín.

The latest data from this Sunday present the following panorama to the Nation, City and Province of Buenos Aires: 42,785 infections throughout the country and 1,011 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 1,581 new cases of coronavirus and 19 fatalities were registered.

The concern is naturally at AMBA. The Metropolitan Area accumulates more than 38 thousand positive cases. Regarding the accumulated cases, the province of Buenos Aires leads the number with 19,329 infected and the CABA follows with 19,007.

 The questions, then, multiply: does the health system hold up at this rate? Will you return to phase 1? When will be the peak of infections?

"We have to close everything, return the quarantine to phase 1 and try to make this the peak of the coronavirus," Clarín, the Buenos Aires vice minister of health, Nicolás Kreplak , evaluated a few hours ago.

This Sunday, but in an interview by Crónica TV, Santiago Cafiero said: "We have to see if we put one foot on the brake because the coronavirus cases have skyrocketed."

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers had announced that this Monday the teams of the Nation, Province and City of Buenos Aires will hold meetings to discuss how the quarantine continues.

Cafiero considered that "when in other countries the decisions of the different States and Governments go one way and the other in the middle are the dead, sicker and dead." Therefore, he said, "it is key that coordination continue to exist."

The official, in this way, recognized that "sometimes there are differences" in criteria between the Buenos Aires and Buenos Aires administration, but the decisions "went in the same direction."

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