The Limited Times

Bolivia: President promulgates law setting September 6 election date

6/22/2020, 10:51:27 PM

Acting Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez on Sunday evening passed the law calling for general elections on September 6, but warned of the dangers of the coronavirus epidemic. "I received pressure demanding elections on September 6, that is to say in the middle of a pandemic," regretted the president in a recorded message, rejecting any desire to stay in power. The elections, originally scheduled for...

Acting Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez on Sunday evening passed the law calling for general elections on September 6, but warned of the dangers of the coronavirus epidemic. "I received pressure demanding elections on September 6, that is to say in the middle of a pandemic," regretted the president in a recorded message, rejecting any desire to stay in power. The elections, originally scheduled for May 3, were postponed due to the epidemic.

Read also: In Bolivia, Jeanine Añez takes his ease

An agreement between the parliament, the supreme electoral court and the political parties running for the poll had fixed September 6 as the date for these elections. But Ms. Áñez was reluctant to enact the law, arguing that the date would coincide with the peak of the epidemic. In a last poll in March, Luis Arce, candidate supported by ex-president Evo Morales, led the voting intentions with 33.3% of the vote.

Health Minister Eidy Roca told reporters on Sunday that the number of infections in Bolivia would peak at 130,000 in mid-September. On Saturday, Bolivia registered more than 1,000 new cases in 24 hours, for the first time since the start of the epidemic.