The Limited Times

Donald Trump takes distance from Juan Guaidó and does not rule out meeting with Nicolás Maduro

6/22/2020, 11:06:21 PM

The President of the United States takes a surprising turn regarding his policy in Venezuela.06/21/2020 - 23:50 Clarí World "Nicolás Maduro would like to meet. And I never object to meetings. You know, I rarely object to meetings. " So, with those words, Donald Trumpleft open the possibility of a meeting with the Venezuelan president. But, at the same time, the President of the United States raised doubts regarding the opposition leader Juan Guaidó. Trump stated the following rega...

06/21/2020 - 23:50

  • Clarí
  • World

"Nicolás Maduro would like to meet. And I never object to meetings. You know, I rarely object to meetings. "

So, with those words, Donald Trumpleft open the possibility of a meeting with the Venezuelan president. But, at the same time, the President of the United States raised doubts regarding the opposition leader Juan Guaidó.

Trump stated the following regarding self-proclamation as President of Guaidó: “He was elected. I think he was necessarily in favor, but some people liked it, others did not. Sounded good to me. I don't think it was very significant in one way or another. ”

Donald Trump expressed these statements in an exclusive interview in the Oval Office with the Axios portal that published a preview of the report.

These statements come amid controversy over the book written by Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser, John Bolton.

Precisely the book reveals that the president called on his deputy, Mike Pence, to transfer the Venezuelan opposition leader who wanted him to say it would be "extremely loyal to the United States and no one else".

According to Bolton, Trump wanted to withdraw his support for the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó just 30 hours after recognizing him in January 2019 as the interim president of Venezuela for considering that he projected an image of "child" against the "tough" of the president, Nicolás Ripe.

In discussions on the Venezuela issue, always according to Bolton, Trump went on to say that it would be "great" (he said cool, in English) to invade Venezuela, and that the South American nation was "really part of the United States."

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