The Limited Times

My longing for a transitional government

6/22/2020, 8:59:33 PM

Moriah Cor"It requires good intent at the top-down level... It can only work in a unidirectional way. People can't be hysterical from the bottom without getting directions from above." These words were not uttered by a former basketball player, who is now losing his head as Elitzur Valley's coach, although the speaker is tall. This is the defense minister, Benjamin Gantz, flattening his worldview about th...

"It requires good intent at the top-down level... It can only work in a unidirectional way. People can't be hysterical from the bottom without getting directions from above."

These words were not uttered by a former basketball player, who is now losing his head as Elitzur Valley's coach, although the speaker is tall. This is the defense minister, Benjamin Gantz, flattening his worldview about the corona eruption. It is good that he did not describe how he is destroying all his predecessor's achievements in office, with approval of distributing salaries to Hamas so that he does not sit in jail, or his plan to curb missile attacks on the Gaza envelope. 

The fascinating government meeting that took place yesterday made me yearn for the transition government. When Gantz spoke, it was evident that the PM welcomed every moment the mask was still on his face. Not the permanent, natural mask; White who uses unrelated terminology. 

We were scared that without a neat annual budget we would be lost and there would be no money to fight Corona, which has no statutory status, which is a dangerous blow to Israel. But it was precisely the ministers of the transition government who demonstrated efficiency and talent, perhaps because of the temporality and the sword of unity wielded above their offices.

In March, I was invited to lecture in Europe, and I saw it as a sign of God for a family outing: a late bar mitzvah trip for a young man, with a pre-combat trip to the two big ones who didn't heed my advice. Even before the reimbursement from Al for my booking of hotels in October, a second before the USSR, came in the belief that an international leader in Babi would not let us spend long periods of time and would not want to ruin our solid state relations with all the Union countries. The Minister of Tourism has strengthened my belief: his associates are not vacationing in Zimmer in Kfar Etzion, they will probably click on him. 

July Edelstein in the Ministry of Health makes a worse impression than Litzman left at the time: True, there is no stutter in the public discourse, but it is mainly because he does not speak to us. First of all, he ran to buy a good sign for a "Billbong" beach kit and only then turned to recruiting epidemiological researchers to help. Even Litzman stopped entering Israel without waiting. Yoaz Handel shines with the appointment of declared leftists to oversee the corporation, Amir Peretz tries to improve the poverty line by accessing the middle class, Regev embellishes Smutrich's memory in the Ministry of Transport and Galant is confident he heads a fleet of teaching staff. Only the space minister, Izhar Shay, played it with a solar eclipse.

Thanks to the unity government, Netanyahu dismantled Blue and White, which was euthanasia for a party that suffered from marriages that became human experiments. I appreciate the gesture, but the prime minister should understand: a failed government will be named first, and the resulting chaos makes another election campaign look less threatening. And a cool log already. 

For more views of Moria Corr

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