The Limited Times

Netherlands: Protesters Protest Anti-Covid Measures, Police Charge

6/22/2020, 5:23:18 PM

Several hundred people had gathered in the city center, some holding hands. Clashes broke out.

Loads on horseback, water cannons, arrests by the dozen ... Dutch police had to intervene on Sunday in The Hague, in the Netherlands, after clashes erupted after a demonstration against measures to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.

Several hundred people had gathered in the city center, some holding hands, to protest against these measures and in particular that advocating a distance of 1.5 meters between people in places welcoming the public.

Acting bourgmestre Johan Remkes had initially banned the demonstration, following reports that many football supporters were expected, before authorizing a time-limited rally.

"Intelligent containment"

Police said the demonstration was peaceful until supporters clashed with the police, who threw stones and bottles at them. Later, "the last demonstrators refused to leave the scene and were arrested in accordance with the legislation on demonstrations," according to the police in The Hague.

"About 400 people have been arrested," but many were quickly released, police said. Five people were also arrested at the Central Station for throwing stones.

The Netherlands, which has recorded nearly 50,000 cases and 6,000 deaths, has adopted a “smart containment” approach, which is less strict than that of other European countries. Restaurants, cinemas, cafes, museums and terraces were authorized to open on June 1, but within the regulatory distance between customers, the number of which is limited to 30 per establishment.