The Limited Times

Richard Ferrand organizes a conference at the Assembly on Wednesday to design the post-coronavirus

6/22/2020, 2:39:05 PM

Union and employer representatives as well as all the political groups represented in the Chamber are notably invited to this r

The “new path” that Emmanuel Macron wants to draw for the end of his five-year term is actively being prepared on the side of the parliamentary assemblies. According to our information, Richard Ferrand, the President of the National Assembly, is organizing a conference on Wednesday, June 24 at the Hôtel de Lassay, entitled "Dialogue to act", intended to fuel his proposals for the end of the crisis requested by the head of state.

Laurent Berger (CFDT), Yves Veyrier (FO), Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux (Medef), Louis Gallois, former CEO of SNCF, Thierry Beaudet, president of the Mutualité française, and intellectuals such as Jean-Noël Jeanneney, Barbara will participate Cassin and Marylin Maeso. This conference will be transpartisan. The four Vice-Presidents of the Assembly and all the political groups represented in the hemicycle are invited to attend.

During his speech on June 14, Emmanuel Macron announced that he had asked the presidents of the two chambers, Richard Ferrand in the National Assembly and Gérard Larcher in the Senate, as well as Patrick Bernasconi, the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), so that they "suggest a few priorities likely to bring together the greatest number".

Richard Ferrand, a close friend of the President of the Republic, did not wait for this referral to work on his vision of the organization of the State. The deputy LREM of Finistère notably developed it in a book “Our common places” (Editions de L'Aube, with the Jean Jaurès Foundation) published at the beginning of the year. The President of the National Assembly also consulted the social partners, employee unions and employers' organizations on numerous occasions.