The Limited Times

Sabina Frederic crossed Sergio Berni: "You have to get out of the complaint and bring peace of mind to people"

6/22/2020, 9:10:41 PM

The Security Minister assured that "there are 7,500 members of the federal forces in the province of Buenos Aires alone."

06/21/2020 - 21:21

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The Security Minister rejected this Sunday the criticism of her Buenos Aires counterpart, Sergio Berni, who had affirmed that he has "no support from the national government" in matters of security. 

"We have to get out of the complaint a little and bring peace of mind to the people. We have to lower the anguish a little and focus on what we do," said the official, when asked about Berni's statements.

"It is a time when the population asks us for all the resources and all the capacity to bring them tranquility and security," he analyzed.

The official also stated that "there are 7,500 members of the federal forces in the province of Buenos Aires alone.  We know that because of its population it requires privileged care. Buenos Aires requires that support, so we are giving it everything we can", explained during an interview with the program Rayos X, on Radio 10.

Days ago the Buenosairean minister affirmed that "in the matter of Security we are alone" and in this way he affirmed that "no" he has the support of his national counterpart, Freder ic. Berni also said he felt "resigned" by that lack of help.

"I have no support from the Ministry of National Security. Nothing. And it doesn't matter that we are all from the same party. It is the will of the Government not to attend a province that is in a deep security crisis and that does not have the human and technological material to face it, "Berni complained.

On the other hand, the minister reported that crime dropped a lot during April, "up to 75%", but then it increased again: "It is still less than in the same period last year, around 50% less."

Regarding homicides, he said that “there was a significant decrease in March and April, but they increased again in May; even so we are 5% less than in 2019 ”.