The Limited Times

The English teacher who died of medical insecurity and laziness

6/22/2020, 2:12:51 PM

He was shot in the head to steal the car. In that state they made him get on his own to the ambulance and walk to get a CT scan.

Mariano Gaik Aldrovandi

06/21/2020 - 16:23

  • Clarí
  • Police

“I am touched and terribly devastated. My brother is the best thing my dad and mom gave me. He was my older brother. In the last time we had fired our parents, he consented to everything, "says Edgardo (47), brother of César Antonio González (50), the English teacher killed in a robbery in Lomas de Zamora, last Thursday.

César lived in Longchamps, with his partner, Claudia. But he used to visit Edgardo, also a teacher, very frequently at his home in Ondarribia at 400, between Arana Goiri and Bustos, in the town of Villa Albertina. In that neighborhood they grew up and were well known by all the neighbors and the educational community of Lomas de Zamora, Lanús and Avellaneda.

The teacher had retired from teaching a few years ago to pursue his personal endeavors. At one point he had a business with Edgardo, but they had to close. He now had a contracting company that did bricklaying and repairs in schools. "He was dedicated to accounting," says Clarín Catalina, César's sister-in-law.

On Wednesday, the victim asked Edgardo if he could accompany him to go find his employees and take them to the construction site. As they usually did, César got into his Citroën Picasso and, before opening the garage door, for safety, Edgardo looked out to see that no one was approaching.

The moment when César González (50) was waiting for the ambulance, wounded with a shot to the head, in Lomas de Zamora.

When they finished taking the car out and they had already got in, a Citroën C3 appeared, blocking their exit. Three armed robbers descended from him. Two went to the driver's door and the third to the passenger's.

Without a word, they started hitting Caésar in the head. " Deliver everything ," Edgardo said, commenting that his brother "did not resist at all." But one of the thieves shot the same.

The three assailants got into the victim's car and escaped. That was when Edgardo saw César on the floor, bloody. At that time, several neighbors came out to assist him. As he bit his tongue, they put a rag in his mouth and then managed to revive him. One of them noticed that he had a gunshot wound to the head.

English teacher César González (50) was assassinated in Lomas de Zamora to steal his car.

"When one of the boys said he had a hole in his head, Caesar asked concerned:" ¿ Who has a hole ? ' He spoke. They made it react themselves, "says Catalina.

The police arrived at the scene first and several minutes later SAME. “The neighbor insisted on the bullet wound and the ambulance doctor did not care. He acted very badly. He was not even able to check it to see if he had a wound, knowing that gunshots had been heard, ”denounces the sister-in-law.

The most unusual thing is that, according to the man's family, the doctors did not immobilize César or put him on a stretcher. "They only put a neck brace on him and forced him to walk to the ambulance, when he had a bullet in his skull, " they say.

English teacher César González (50) was assassinated in Lomas de Zamora to steal his car.

Judicial sources confirmed this same information to Clarín . "They didn't realize I had a shot. And the attention took a long time," says an investigator.

The man was transferred to the Lavallol Hospital, the same where the mayor Martín Insaurralde is hospitalized due to coronavirus, and they recently discovered that he had a bullet lodged in the head when they performed the tomography.

"He arrived at the hospital lucid. He complained that his head hurt a lot, he asked for something. She complained every time the ambulance passed a donkey's back, "says Catalina.

César was also made to go to tomography on his own. "The doctor who did the study told him: ' Be careful, please, don't stain the CT scanner with blood, " recalls Catalina. “She cared more about the machine than the patient. What kind of specialists are they studying and taking an oath to care for their patients? I think they have to take care of them and treat them like a human being, not like an animal, because that is what they did to him, ”said her sister-in-law. "If they had immobilized him and handled him on a stretcher, perhaps the story would have been different", he completes.

Once they found that César had the bullet in the neck, the neurosurgeon took six hours to arrive "because he was working in Palermo," says Catalina.

In addition to the neglect and mistreatment of medical personnel, Edgardo suspects the actions of the Police. The first thing that strikes you is that the Citroën Picasso was burned 150 meters from the 5th station in Villa Fiorito. The thieves abandoned him in Mario Bravo 2207.

The assault occurred in the jurisdiction of the 7th police station in Villa Centenario, but it is strange to César that officers from the 5th came to the door of his house and “took a box inside the car that the thieves abandoned”.

Another suspicious attitude of the police officers is that in the case of a crime and the Picasso having appeared partially burned, they took the C3 in which the thieves arrived without an expert witness.

“You cannot take things from a stolen car and the car is also proof, because if the car that was stolen from my brother did not leave tracks, in the previous one there must be tracks. There is something that is covering us up and I don't know what it is ”, warns Edgardo.

“He wouldn't let me spend anything. He said ' you save '. He would bring me merchandise and cook me, he would do everything for me. They cut off both my legs and both arms, ”regrets Edgardo.

César and Edgardo were the children of Antonio and Eulalia, who had a sewing workshop. “They had stopped working and we were the breadwinner for the family. My brother always worried about making sure we didn't lack the money, because we know what hunger is. Now things were just starting to come out, he had raised a small capital and was doing ventures to help people. He was the most supportive guy in the world, "says Edgardo.

And he points out: "I did not know that he helped so many people, today they all tell me things that I did not know that he gave them shoes for the boys, he bought them things because they had lost their jobs."

“He had the wrong career. He studied medicine and left in the fourth year. He should have studied economics, because he was very good with numbers. For me he was a genius ”, remarks his brother.

César was a Boca fan and in his spare time he liked to play pool and video games. But what he enjoyed most were the family gatherings in which he always cooked and entertained his guests with roasts, locros, Paraguayan food, baked meat, chipá. He had even put together his own clay oven.

This Sunday, just the same day that six months have passed since the death of Antonio, his father, the family said goodbye to César.