The Limited Times

Wanchai private car was thrown at the window of a car. The 40-year-old driver lost his camera and the aerial camera was worth about 20,000 yuan.

6/22/2020, 9:18:07 PM

Police this morning (22) received a report from Yang, a 40-year-old surnamed Yang, who allegedly parked a private car at 221 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. It was later found that the car window was damaged, and the property was missing from the car. It was suspected of being stolen. Police officers arrived at the scene. After preliminary calculations, two cameras worth about 12,000 yuan and one aerial camera worth about 8,000 yuan were missing. After a preliminary investigation, the theft in the case was transferred to the 6th team of the Criminal Investigation Team of Wan Chai Police District. No one was arrested.


Written by: Li Jingshan

2020-06-22 09:16

Last update date: 2020-06-22 09:16

Police this morning (22) received a report from Yang, a 40-year-old surnamed Yang, who allegedly parked a private car at 221 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. It was later found that the car window was damaged, and the property was missing from the car. It was suspected of being stolen. Police officers arrived at the scene. After preliminary calculations, two cameras worth about 12,000 yuan and one aerial camera worth about 8,000 yuan were missing. After a preliminary investigation, the theft in the case was transferred to the 6th team of the Criminal Investigation Team of Wan Chai Police District. No one was arrested.

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