The Limited Times

Zanardi, medical bulletin: 'The more time passes, the more hope increases'

6/22/2020, 10:06:42 AM

"The current conditions of general stability still do not allow to exclude the possibility of adverse events and therefore the patient always remains in a reserved prognosis". So the medical report of this morning from the hospital of Siena on Alex Zanardi. The prognosis remains confidential. Investigations continue to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident: from some videos acquired by the investigators Alex had his hands on the handlebars and therefore had control of the vehicle (ANSA)

 " Alex Zanardi did not hold the cell phone in his hand at the time of the crash". This is remembered by Alessandro Maestrini, the videomaker from Perugia who took over the accident . "After facing a climb pedaling with his hands - he says -, at the time of the descent Zanardi took the phone and did some low-speed shots, then put it away, put it away, and continued the descent to the point of "accident. Some time after the crash, the cell phone rang from the handbike compartment and was taken by the police." Investigations into the dynamics of the accident therefore continue. Alex Zanardi clasped his hands on the handlebars of the handbike while driving down the road near Pienza (Siena) where on 19 June he had an accident against a truck during the relay race Obiettivo Tricolore. This is what emerges from videos acquired in the investigation by the Siena prosecutor's office on the matter. From some videos already in the possession of the investigators, and already viewed, it would therefore appear that Zanardi was in control of his handbike. The cell phone that Alex Zanardi wore during the Obiettivo Tricolore relay was seized by the carabinieri. According to what has been learned, the telephone is available to investigators for any checks. The handbike on which Zanardi traveled was also seized: the vehicle could be subjected to technical tests to reconstruct the dynamics of the impact with the truck, in particular to define the points of impact between the two vehicles.

THE MEDICAL BULLETIN. " The current conditions of general stability still do not allow to exclude the possibility of adverse events and therefore the patient always remains in a reserved prognosis" . So the medical report of this morning from the hospital of Siena on Alex Zanardi. The athlete, doctors say, "spent the night in conditions of cardio-respiratory and metabolic stability. Organ functions are adequate. He is always sedated, intubated and mechanically ventilated. Neuromonitoring has shown some stability but this data must be taken with caution because the neurological picture remains serious ". " Compared to when Alex Zanardi arrived in the emergency room, the conditions have really changed. The positive thing is that the more time passes and the conditions remain stable, this gives us hope ."

Zanardi, doctor: "The more time passes the more there is hope"

He said Sabino Scolletta , director of the Emergency Department of the hospital urgency Santa Maria delle Scotte in Siena. "It means - said Scolletta - that there is no step back and this gives us great confidence. We are confident as yesterday. We are two days after the trauma, we trust that the clinical conditions will remain stable and this can give us possibility to think of evaluating it neurologically ". Will Alex Zanardi be the first champion again? " We hope and hope so. We are here for this reason ." Sabino Scolletta, the emergency director of the Siena hospital, replied to journalists who asked if Alex Zanardi 'will return the first champion'. "We trust in his possibility of recovery, we are all confident - he added- He is a great athlete and he has shown it and we hope that this will also apply in this demanding situation".

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