The Limited Times

The prefect puts the mayor of Stains on notice to touch up the fresco against police violence

6/23/2020, 6:11:20 PM

The police union Alliance requested and obtained the deletion of the term "police", in the formula "police violence", from the fr

The prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis, Georges-François Leclerc, announced this Monday afternoon, after having received a delegation from the Alliance police union on the sidelines of a demonstration in Bobigny, that he would put the mayor in default (PCF) of Stains Azzedine Taïbi to remove the mention "police" from the fresco produced in his town in homage to George Floyd and Adama Traoré.

The prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis thus accedes to the wishes of the police, ulcerated by this mural work representing the portraits of the two men with the words "Against racism and police violence".

It was inaugurated last Thursday in the presence of the elected communist and Assa Traore, the founder of the Truth and Justice committee for Adama. The American George Floyd and the Val-d'Oisien Adama Traoré were both killed during their arrest, by the police for one, and the gendarmerie for the other.


The Alliance union had first called for a rally in front of the fresco in Stains, before changing their minds, not wanting that “it degenerates. "We don't want to cause chaos," said Fabien Vanhemelryck, Alliance national secretary.

"There was never any question of covering the fresco"

In response, Adama Traore's sister had indicated that she would also go to the fresco this Monday afternoon, with her supporters. The face-to-face looked stormy. Finally, unlike the collective, the police were not present in front of the two portraits, but in front of the prefecture of 93 in Bobigny, in number at the same time.

"Today is a victory for us [...] but if the fresco is ever degraded or disappears, the only responsible will be the police union @alliancepolice" #FresqueAdama

Images: @T_Bouhafs

- Over there if I'm there (@LabasOfficiel) June 22, 2020

“We do not want there to be an amalgamation between racism, violence and the police. There was never any question of covering the fresco. We are not against freedom of expression either. What poses a problem for us is not this fresco, but the fact that an elected mayor of the Republic officially inaugurates it as he would for a media library, "continues the unionist.

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