The Limited Times

Apple launches its chip for the Mac, separates from Intel

6/24/2020, 5:20:18 PM

It makes the computer more powerful. Big Sur and iOS 14 (ANSA) are coming

Apple separates from Intel after 15 years. Cupertino entrusts the Mac to its own chip, the Apple Silicon. "It is a historic day for the Mac, we are launching it to a new level," said Tim Cook during the developer conference which this year, due to the coronavirus, is completely virtual. With its Cupertino chip it aims to make the Mac faster and more powerful: the transition from Intel will last about two years with the first Macs equipped with Silicon available later this year.

Cook reassures, however: he will continue to launch new versions of macOS for years. The new chip will allow Apple to improve the security and battery life of the Mac, says Johny Srouji, Silicon manager. The Mac is no longer a revenue engine for Apple but sells about 20 million units per year, with a turnover of 25 billion dollars. The computer, however, is key for Apple to leverage the professional market, with which Cupertino leverages to push the other family products, from the iPhone to the Airpods and the Apple Watch.

During the developer conference, Apple also presents the new operating system MAC OS Big Sur, with which the computer looks more and more like a mobile device. Other important news were also announced during the event, such as iOS 14 with an improved Siri that can also send voice messages, and a translation app that allows two people to have a conversation in two different languages.

iOS 14 also presents the revised and improved Maps app, which allows you to find new places and locations and to wander following the instructions and in an environmentally friendly way. For bicycle lovers Maps also offers dedicated indications that allow you to identify cycle paths but also the possible presence of steps and traffic.

Important news also for the Apple Watch, which will be able to monitor how you wash your hands, one of the main requirements in the fight against coronavirus, and how you sleep. For developers, therefore, a lot to digest. And digesting the controversy: once again, the front of those who accuse Apple of maintaining its monopoly power with the so-called 'Apple Tax', or the 30% commission on app purchases, and with the imposition of restrictions that make it difficult to compete with Apple Pay.

Controversy that however does not spoil the Apple party, opened by Cook with a reference to recent events, from racism with the "meaningless" killing of George Floyd to the coronavirus.