The Limited Times

Inail: 49,021 Covid contagion complaints

6/24/2020, 2:38:50 PM

There are over 49,000 reports of contagion injury from Covid 19 arriving at Inail until 15 June. The Institute did so by pointing out that they are 1,999 more than on May 31st. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 23 - Over 49,000 reports of contagion accidents from Covid 19 arrived at the Inail until June 15. The Institute has made it known by stressing that there are 1,999 more than on 31 May. The fatal cases reported are 236 (+28), equal to about 40% of the deaths recorded since the beginning of the year.
    71.7% of the workers infected - reads the quintorapporto Inail since the beginning of the epidemic - are women, 28.3% men, but the relationship between genders is reversed in fatal cases.
   The deaths of men, in fact, are equal to 82.6% of the total.
   The analysis shows that the average age of the workers who contracted the virus is 47 years for both sexes, but it rises to 59 years (57 for women and 59 for men) for mortality.
    72.2% of all reported cases and 26.3% of deaths are concentrated in the Health and social care sector. (HANDLE).