The Limited Times

Pension reform: Macron's post-Covid plan

6/24/2020, 10:07:03 PM

The head of state will strongly amend the bill adopted in March in the Assembly to keep his promise to create a universal regime.

Promise of candidate Macron, the pension reform was to be a strong marker of the quinquennium - "the mother of reforms" , said the executive - but the coronavirus came to sweep everything and everyone thought it was buried. Wrong, because the President of the Republic intends to implement it before 2022.

Read also: Pensions: the firm and unanimous “no” of employers and unions

No question of leaving in plan the bill adopted on March 4 at first reading in the Assembly, after three months of hard strike, thanks to article 49.3. The head of state is also condemned to act as there is urgency to bail out a system that takes water from all sides, with a deficit of 30 billion euros expected at the end of the year, according to the latest estimate from the Pensions Orientation Council (COR). Or 25 billion more in just six months ...

He cannot make the same reform, badly done, badly thought out, misunderstood by the French. We must give ourselves time, increase the legal age of departure and explain why.

Eric Woerth

The challenge for the Head of State is simple: to implement a universal pension scheme without turning public opinion and to take the opponents of his project down to the streets. " He cannot make the same reform,

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