The Limited Times

Several authors leave JK Rowling's agency to protest against statements about trans people

6/24/2020, 10:51:54 PM

The Blair Partnership refused to follow up on LGBT writers who wanted to discuss transgender rights at this literary agency.

JK Rowling's deemed transphobic comments continue to rock the publishing world. Transgender writers Fox Fisher and Ugla Stefania Kristjonudottir Jonsdottir, known by the signature Owl, gay novelist Drew Davies and a fourth anonymous author have decided to leave the literary agency of Harry Potter author , The Blair Partnership.

They said Tuesday they were " saddened " to leave the agency because of their refusal to defend the rights of transgender people. JK Rowling had sparked controversy with an essay this month, linking her experience of sexual assault to her concern about access to shemales in female-only areas, which she said offered cover to " predators ". " Agencies bring authors like me into their agency to be part of this diverse voice ," said Drew Davies. But when it comes to having meaningful conversations in terms of diversity, it becomes much more difficult. "

Read also: JK Rowling publishes tweets deemed transphobic and attracts the wrath of Harry Potter

" There was never any question of changing anyone's opinion or censoring someone ," Ugla Stefania Kristjonudottir Jonsdottir told Reuters in a joint phone call with partner FoxFisher. But for us, it was about having an open and honest conversation within the agency about transgender rights and being transgender within the agency, for us as clients but also for d 'other potential customers or even for staff. "

A spokesperson for The Blair Partnership, who also represents boxer Tyson Fury and retired Olympic cyclist Chris Hoy, said in an email that the agency was " disappointed " that the four perpetrators were gone. We believe in freedom of expression for all; these clients decided to leave because we did not respond to their requests for rehabilitation from their point of view, ”she said. " We value the voice of all of our writers and, as an agency, we stand for equality and inclusion ." JK Rowling declined to comment on their decision.

Read also: JK Rowling reveals having been the victim of domestic violence and sexual assault

In Britain and the United States, a heated debate over what it means to be a woman pits transgender activists against feminists for whom the hard-won rights of women must be reserved for those who are born women. Access to spaces reserved for people of the same sex, such as shelters for victims of domestic violence or toilets, is a sensitive point. Some, like JK Rowling, say that predators could pose as trans women to gain access to these places.