The Limited Times

Who is the engineering student who crashed into the Chinese embassy?

6/24/2020, 9:18:05 PM

His name is Gastón, he studies at the University of Buenos Aires and they had to intern him. They will do expertise to determine their imputability.

06/23/2020 - 12:33

  • Clarí
  • Society

There was confusion and security protocols were immediately activated. Why would someone crash their car into an embassy? Everything suggested that it could be an attempted attack. Even the neighbors heard explosions, which triggered the alert of the authorities looking for explosives. But there was not.

Gastón Sanda is 24 years old and drove from his home in Tigre to Saavedra, where he asked to speak to Ambassador Zou Xiaoli. Desperate and faced with a lack of answers, he decided to speed up against the gate of the embassy of the People's Republic of China, at Avenida Crisólogo Larralde 5349.

Inside the vehicle, after the impacts, he left a note with his ID, his address and his phone number. He had already done it in a video that he published on social networks: "I know the truth of COVID-19. I know that the CIA is behind COVID and I need help from the Chinese Embassy, ​​please go viral."

When the police arrived they were able to stop him immediately, he offered no resistance and investigators searched the car to rule out any explosives. Thus, the hypothesis of the attack would have been ruled out: the young man expressed his need to attract the ambassador's attention , he needed to speak to him. However, Sanda was charged with the crime of "public intimidation" by the Clerk 18 of Federal Court No. 9. 

The letter from the Engineering student who crashed his car against entering the Chinese embassy in Argentina.

The conspiracy theories that proliferate on the Internet around the new coronavirus were exposed in the protests to reject the quarantine and also in forums or sites that produce unsupported versions to explain the pandemic and that are replicated on social networks. Thus, this young man believed that he should alert about "a deadly virus that was not COVID-19".

Now, the young man remains hospitalized and at the disposal of Justice. The doctors who had the possibility of reviewing it established that he suffers from "Acute Delusional Syndrome with danger for himself and for third parties" , for which reason they arranged to be admitted to a private clinic in the City of Buenos Aires.

There it will be contained and assisted until the Forensic Medical Corps personnel carry out the corresponding expertise to determine its degree of imputability.

A few days ago, in groups of students from the faculty, Gastón had already released a video in which he excused himself for some messages he had sent to his fellow virtual students.

"Hi, I'm Gastón, I'm a student, like you", he showed up from his home in Tigre. "I wanted to tell you that I inadvertently sent a message because right now, like the quarantine is affecting us all ... And well, it affects me differently," he explained.

Explosives were believed to be in the car, but were eventually ruled out. (Marcelo Carroll)

"I wanted to tell you that it was really nothing and that I am fine, I would never hurt myself or do anything, I am completely perfect. I am physically healthy and from up here (pointing to my head). It is something temporary that is going to happen", he closed.

It is not clear what was the first message he sent but it was clear that the concern reached the teachers and so he decided to explain what had happened to bring them peace of mind. That alert was not enough to contain it and ended with the attack on the embassy.