The Limited Times

Belgrano will ask to seize River for the lack of payment of the pass of Matías Suárez

7/1/2020, 10:23:18 PM

They are determined to file a lawsuit because there are several unpaid installments and because they are not even answered by the phones.

Ramón Gómez

06/30/2020 - 11:44

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  • sports

The leaders of Belgrano de Córdoba, led by President Jorge Francesqui, are on fire with River for the lack of payment of the pass by striker Matías Suárez. They are determined to file a lawsuit because there are several unpaid installments and because they are not even answered by the phones.

They say in Córdoba that they understand the economic complications caused by the coronavirus pandemic. "But Belgrano needs the money to pay off the debts we have," said a club spokesman.

River's debt to Belgrano is 670 thousand dollars. And for that figure Alberdi's club evaluates suing and even seizing the Nuñez club. The Cordoba leaders even thought of going to FIFA to start a claim, but in River they warn that it does not correspond because they cannot file lawsuits between two clubs in the same country.

River had requested an advance from Conmebol for participation in the Copa Libertadores and it emerged that part of that money would be destined to pay the debt for Suárez. However, until now, none of that happened.

Belgrano wants River to present a new payment plan because in April, May and June, several installments of the last proposal already expired. The clubs had reached an agreement in April, but since then River has barely paid $ 70,000. Suárez's pass was made for 2,350,000 dollars.

Juan Carlos Olave, idol of Belgrano, when he was still working at the club, had reflected: "River took our best player and never paid him. River was champion and Belgrano went downhill." Olave, after the loss of category, had to resign.

El Oreja was always praised by technical director Marcelo Gallardo and ended up taking over a place in the starting team, displacing Ignacio Scocco and Lucas Pratto. "The truth is that playing for River was a very special dream for me. And that calling me Gallardo was something incredible," Suarez himself once said.

In the midst of this demand, President Francesqui has just announced that the elections that should have taken place in March will be held on August 1 and were suspended due to the pandemic. There will be two lists: the official one headed by Armando Pérez, a former auditor in AFA, and by the opposition Luis Fabián Artime, one of the Pirate's great idols.

The IGJ explained that the elections can only be carried out if the health authorities allow it. Otherwise they would be done in September.

Cordova. Correspondent.