The Limited Times

Berlusconi: Salvini, solidarity, was a farce trial

7/1/2020, 7:39:08 PM

"After Palamara's interceptions against myself, another audio comes out of a magistrate who admits the political use of Justice: solidarity with Silvio Berlusconi for the sham trial he was victim of. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 30 - "After the wiretapping of Palamaracontro the undersigned, another audio by a magistrate appears who admits the political use of Justice: solidarity with SilvioBerlusconi for the sham trial he was victim of. It is yet another episode which reminds us of the need for a deep reform ". The leader of the League Matteo Salvini says this after the audio by Amedeo Franco broadcast by Quarta Repubblica. (HANDLE).