The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Guyana needs an additional "300 caregivers"

7/1/2020, 11:25:50 PM

Guyana needs additional 300 " caregivers " to cope with the accelerating coronavirus epidemic, Overseas Minister Annick Girardin told deputies on Tuesday, launching a new call for national solidarity. Read also: Coronavirus: in Guyana, the "suffering" caregivers organize themselves to manage the "real first wave" " We do not have enough human resources today, it is more than 200 caregivers, even...

Guyana needs additional 300 " caregivers " to cope with the accelerating coronavirus epidemic, Overseas Minister Annick Girardin told deputies on Tuesday, launching a new call for national solidarity.

Read also: Coronavirus: in Guyana, the "suffering" caregivers organize themselves to manage the "real first wave"

" We do not have enough human resources today, it is more than 200 caregivers, even 300 caregivers that we need in Guyana ", declared the minister, answering during the questions to the government to the deputy LR Didier Quentin (Charente-Maritime), who questioned him on behalf of the member for Mayotte Mansour Kamardine on the situation in the Indian Ocean department and in Guyana, two territories still under state of health emergency.

1000 tests per day

According to Annick Girardin, " more than 100 people " have already arrived in Guyana. " We have 1000 tests per day, it is higher than the national average ", " we have more than 2 million masks, we have the equipment and the means ", but " we do not have enough human resources today 'hui , ' she added. " We have to be at this meeting ," insisted the minister, launching, as she has already done on several occasions, " a solemn and national appeal for solidarity ". The peak of the epidemic is expected " around mid-July-late July, " she warned.

Guyana surpassed the 4000 Covid-19 positive cases on Tuesday (4004, 313 in 24 hours), and has 127 hospitalizations, 20 in intensive care and 15 deaths. As for Mayotte, " things are better, " said the minister. " Since June 2, there has been no new resuscitation placement for respiratory distress ", and " only four people are in resuscitation ". And of the four criteria that led to Mayotte being kept in the orange zone, " a first is green, " said the minister, without specifying which one.

" We can have hope in Mayotte to get out of this crisis and get out of the state of emergency. This is what we will do by decree as soon as the prefect, the ARS and the elected representatives of the territory ask us to do so, ”she added. Mayotte counted Tuesday 2603 positive cases, 34 hospitalizations including 4 in intensive care, and 33 deaths.