The Limited Times

Damn it! Margot Robbie sets sail for Pirates of the Caribbean for Disney

7/1/2020, 10:26:06 PM

The Australian actress threw Johnny Depp and his Jack Sparrow overboard to grab the headliner of the sixth film dedicated to the world of filibusters.

Hola, Morbleu! What does the delicious Margot Robbie do in the Pirates of the Caribbean saga ? The one who embodies the icon of the sixties Sharon Tate in the last Quentin Tarantino One Upon A Time In Hollywood wouldn't she be mistaken for a film? In reality, according to Disney, it was she who was elected to revive this maritime adventure saga, one of the most lucrative franchises of all time, having totaled more than $ 4.5 billion with five films. Thunder from Brest! This is damn likely to rock the little world of buccaneers ...

Read also: The next Pirates of the Caribbean will be a reboot, with or without Jack Sparrow

While the two directors Ted Elliott and Craig Mazin (producer of the Chernobyl series ) are working on a new part of the saga with a 100% female cast, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Australian actress Margot Robbie ( Birds of Prey, Le Loup de Wall Street ...) has already been hired to embody the main character of a franchise reboot, with the help of British screenwriter Christina Hodson ( Birds of Prey, Bumblebee ...)

No quarter for Johnny Depp! Tired of the exuberances of the actor entangled in marital affairs, Disney and the creators of the saga simply threw him overboard, story that he goes to feed the fish. For two years, they have developed a new story located in the same universe of corsairs and freebooters, but this time centered on new characters.

"Jack Sparrow has had its day"

It must be said that the wacky captain Jack Sparrow, embodied by the sulphurous actor for fifteen years, did not make sparks at the box office in 2017 when the release of the fifth installment, winning "only" 795 millions of dollars. A wet firecracker ...

Stuart Beattie, co-writer of the first episode, The Curse of the Black Pearl , said to the British daily Daily Mail two years ago: "I think Johnny Depp has come a long way in the shoes of Jack Sparrow. He obviously made this protagonist his own. But I think it has had its day. ”

To revive the franchise without the favorite actor of the saga, the tandem Margot Robbie-Christina Hodson seems appropriate. Far from his glamorous "Tarantine" image, Margot Robbie hardened his image with the young generation by going to slummy in the streets of Gotham City thanks to the character of Harley Quinn (the girlfriend of the Joker in Batman).

A disruptive heroine

Not only did Margot Robbie wear this colorful character, as crazy as unpredictable, in Suicide Squad , but she freed herself from the Joker in the film Birds Of Prey (2020), which despite a criticism to say the least, grossed $ 201 million at the global box office. The spark of madness makes Harley Quinn embodied by Margot Robbie a disruptive heroine, a Harlequin in the feminine enveloped in seduction and cunning. And as this recurring figure of the commedia dell'arte symbolizes human inconstancy, it ideally sticks to the particularly sulphurous atmosphere of the golden age of piracy in the 17th century.

By transforming herself into a "filibuster", the actress promises to spice up the Pirates of the Caribbean saga while remaining perfectly connected with Jack Sparrow, model of cunning and uncertainty. In charge of writing the script, Christina Hodson is his perfect accomplice. Both launched in 2019 with other associates an initiative called Lucky Exports Pitch Program, which aims to promote the place of women screenwriters in action films. Hey yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum! The future of the filibuster will be feminine or not, A thousand ports!