The Limited Times

Relaunch, Brexit: the poisoned files of the German presidency of the EU

7/1/2020, 11:18:08 PM

The program for this historic presidency is busy. The recovery plan at 750 billion euros is obviously the most sensitive issue.

Correspondent in Brussels

Many in Brussels are delighted to see Germany take over the rotating EU presidency on Wednesday. And to sigh, thinking what that of the Croats has been for the past six months. "It is true that they were not lucky with the health crisis but still ..." , slips a diplomat while Zagreb, lack of experience, has not fully played its role of facilitator.

The German presidency will inevitably be much more bordered but it will not be a sinecure either. Because the objective is to put back on track a Union very weakened economically, to fill the gaps appeared in the light of day during the crisis of Covid-19, in particular as regards strategic independence and numerical. It is also a matter of making progress on climate neutrality by negotiating in the fall an ambitious objective - or not - of reducing greenhouse gases by 2030 to chart the road towards carbon neutrality for 2050. These are the main works of Berlin

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