The Limited Times

Rutelli, cinema has lost 25 million admissions

7/1/2020, 4:56:10 PM

"The pandemic has caused, since the beginning of the year, the loss of over 25 million spectators in cinemas, a devastating dimension, never happened in the history of these industries, which represent the most popular form of entertainment, culture, sociality. .. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 30 - "Since the beginning of the year, the pandemic has caused the loss of more than 25 million cinema-goers, a devastating dimension, never happened in the history of these industries, which represent the form of entertainment, culture , sociability, more popular and accessible to Italy ". The president of Anica FrancescoRutelli said it during the hearing in the 7th Senate Commission on "The impact of Covid-19 on the culture sector".
    "Still in January - continued Rutelli -, we had recorded + 4 million admissions in theaters, after a very positive year already. Then, the disaster began".
    "It is important - he underlined - that the experiment of Moving Village, with open-air arenas, drive-ins and other phenomena that allow many people to participate, and all tens of thousands of people who risk being not find their job to be able to start again.
    "We wait with confidence from the government - he concluded - immediate tools for the adjustment of the tax credit production, with the support for security measures: important and additional charges to be able to turn, to allow the reopening of the set , protecting the health of workers, actors and workers, guaranteeing insurance coverage ". (ANSA).