The Limited Times

Two solitudes put to "perfumes"

7/1/2020, 8:49:31 PM

For his second film, Grégory Magne observes a couple of opposites who are taming each other. A sweet and licked feature film.

And it's not even the Covid's fault. Emmanuelle Devos has lost her sense of smell. We call it anosmia. In his job, it's annoying. She is "nose", as they say. Anne Walberg creates perfumes. I love Dior, it's her. We can see the level. It sold to prestigious brands. Today, his agent finds him contracts to imitate the fragrances of a cave that is reconstructed next to the original site. It is up to her to manage to help out a bag manufacturer whose leather leaves something to be desired or to hide the nuisance of factory chimneys in the neighborhood. We're going down a notch.

Read also: What is a leather perfume?

This causes many trips to France. She has a new driver. Guillaume accepted this job because he needs a permanent job. This forties is in the process of divorcing and would like to have custody of his daughter every other week. His 20 square meter studio is not enough. He needs a real apartment. Her client is not easy-easy. She sniffs and immediately guesses that he smokes

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